
The Story behind

The metaphor behind Multiverso’s philosophy falls into theoretical physic. Our logo is a geometric manifold that represents the smallest unit of time-space possible. At that scale 6 extradimensions exist beyond the familiar 4 of time-space. In the same way, our creative approach to design and development of big events is aimed to create a multidimensional experience where technology and design take the visitor to other worlds. Worlds where all senses are stimulated to impress and communicate clients’ values, products and services.

Multiverso is a division of Illogic s.r.l., italian company specialized in development and production of advanced technology in the realm of extended reality and artificial intelligence. The know-how and experience in the technological world is taken to the entertainment world as general contractor for businesses’ big events.
Through its vast network of partners and internal effort, Multiverso takes care of everything concerning design, development, production and management of pavilions, booth, expos and museums.

Multiverso’s logo is a geometric manifold called Calabi-Yau that, in super-string theory, represents the smallest unit of time-space possible. At that scale 6 extradimensions exist beyond the familiar spatial three and temporal one.


1st Award for the best technology 2018


1st Award for the best fair expo 2018


1st Award for the best fair expo 2019


1st Award for the best creativity 2021


1st Award for the best technology 2021

Our works are the best introduction


Our competences

  • We manage all the different blocks needed to stand out from the competition.
  • Our advanced cutting-edge technology is aimed to create unique extraordinary experiences.
  • Our concepts is what guides the creation of all the digital contents that make art and philosophy a tangible reality.
  • The philosophical, artistic and technological blocks work in harmony and consistently to express your story.

Our trusted

As a general contractor we leverage on our vast network of trusted partners to cover all the different aspects of rigging up big events from A to Z. Years of successful collaborations greased the working processes to the very best for client, contractor and suppliers.