The need
RMK is almost ready for the opening of their new Headquarters in Ekaterinburg
RMK chose archi-star Norman Foster for its innovative headquarters. The offices are arranged in rows on either side of a central hallway, which functions as a break out space, with lounge seating and views of the city through the glazed lift shaft
The Company wants to open inside the building a space where to tell about itself mainly to stakeholder
To turn the space in a powerful communication tool, to:
- Empower the perception of the Company
- Transmit the RMK’s attention to innovation, to environment, to human talents and to social responsibility
- Communicate RMK’s key information
.. being flexible, to tailor the contents according to the profile and time of the guests
What we did
Concept and experience design (project not realized)
in collaboration with WES international

The vision
Not a museum (word that evokes collection of old things), But a kind of “magic box”, with a futuristic design plenty of interactive technologies & contents for a scenic, memorable, immersive, emotional experience. A sort of Hollywood attraction. A ride flying over the RMK. An installation that does not age, since the experience can be easily modified changing the contents.

The Avatar
After entering, an holographic Avatar representing the guiding spirit (HAL 9000), welcomes visitors on board and announces the journey.
The installation can recognize the mood of the person in front and tells the briefing.
We plan to use a traditional hologram or we can create a hardware hologram giving even more three dimensionality to the avatar’s face.

The fly bridge
Comfortably seated the “spaceship commander” launches different flight programs.
The contents are displayed on a panoramic screen in front of the visitors. The projection is at 32 mio pixel.
Using screens embedded in the floor and in the ceiling, the visitors can enjoy a more immersive experience closer to the sensation of flight.
Kinetic installation
A kinetic installation will switch on, to guide the visitor to the outside of the museum showing contents of environment protection and why RMK is a green company.
Otherwise video about humanity, employers development, growth of the region, connection and collaboration, technology and innovation, future, world, etc.