The need

RMK is almost ready for the opening of their new Headquarters in Ekaterinburg

RMK chose archi-star Norman Foster for its innovative headquarters. The offices are arranged in rows on either side of a central hallway, which functions as a break out space, with lounge seating and views of the city through the glazed lift shaft

The Company wants to open inside the building a space where to tell about itself mainly to stakeholder


To turn the space in a powerful communication tool, to:

  • Empower the perception of the Company
  • Transmit the RMK’s attention to innovation, to environment, to human talents and to social responsibility
  • Communicate RMK’s key information

.. being flexible, to tailor the contents according to the profile and time of the guests


What we did

Concept and experience design



A production made for the City of Turin and MUSEO to be displayed as a twelve-screen installation in a rectangular setting (the medieval court of Palazzo Madama in Turin).

Get in touch and tell us your idea